Sonam Adventure Trek and Travel

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Padum-Lamayuru (5-7 days)
Winter trek (15 days)
Darcha-Padum (8 days)
Padum-Shade-Padum (6 days)
Myar Valley - Padum (9 days)
Markha Valley (7 days)
Djum Lam Hemis-Padum (7/8 days)
Hemis-Manali (9 days)
Kanji-Lingshed-Photoksar (8-10 days)
Manali-Hemis (9 days)
Lamayuru-Alchi (3 days)
Lamayuru-Chilling (5 days)
Lamayuru-Stok (7 days)
Rangdum-Kanji-Hanupatta (5 days)
Likir-Kalse (3 days)
Spituk-Stok (3 days)
Rumtse-Tsomoriri (7 days)
Tsmoriri-Kiber (8 days)
Takh-Zangla (10 days)
Stok Kangri (6.120m)
Grades of Difficulty

Padum-Lamayuru (5-7 days)


5-7 days

You can start from Pidmo village and stop in Photoksar

strenous, 7 passes (within 6 days)
2 days with 2 passes
Parfi-La 3.900 m
Hanuma-La 4.700 m
Murgum-La 4.370 m
Kuba-La 4.430 m
Sengi-La 4.900 m
Sirsir-La 4.800
Prinkiti-La 3.720 m

Maximum elevation
Sengi-La 4.900 m (16.070 ft)

Average daily walking time
6 hours

Perhaps a hard route because of the great number of ups and downs.
Reputation is well established and well deserved.
A lot of river crossings (sometimes no bridge).
Trekking through the very green Zanskar region.
On your way to Padum you will see the mountains Nun and Kun (7.135 m).

First italian group
1980 Avventure nel Mondo

This classic trek explores most of the heartland of Zanskar and covers some spectacular scenery.This itinenary includes visits to almost four of the oldest and most remote Monasteries in Ladakh and Zanskar

Treks you can join
Lamayuru - Chilling
Exit in Shillakong - Lamayuru


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