Duration 8-9 days
6 passes
Maximum elevation Kanji-la 5.271 m (17.060 ft)
Pingdon-la 5.029 m
Barma-la 4.694 m
Murgum-La 4.370 m
Kuba-La 4.430 m
Sengi-La 4.971 m
Average daily walking time 6-7 hours
Exploratory trek
2004 Mr. Seb Mankeelov
2009-2011 Mr. Marco Vasta (info@marcovasta.net)
An exceptionally remote trek through the dramatic and evocative landscapes
of Ladakh and the mystical kingdom of Zanskar; following a route where
westerners are still an extremely rare sight. A
short drive to get to the starting point, but the route is very isolated and not much travelled until the junction from Padum to Lamayuru
in Lingshed. A very beautiful trek with
some river crossings. Starting point is
not far from Leh (only 4 hours by car)and
also the end is close to Leh.